Conceiving and Evaluating Solutions - to move or not to move
As the decision maker for your company, you want to minimise risk. You may have committed to an office move already, or you may be questioning what other options you may have (and there are more than you may think).
Using our experience in commercial relocation, we’ll share our knowledge – looking at your needs from every conceivable angle and design a solution that will answer your financial, people and corporate objectives.
On completion of our review, it may be that a commercial relocation or office move is not the answer. Perhaps you can amalgamate your premises, renegotiate on your lease terms or release superfluous assets – all of which would impact on the options open to you. Whatever our recommendation, you can be assured we’ve looked at everything to achieve the best possible result with the least risk.
Corporate Objectives
- Managing confidentiality
- Reduce cost base & managing change
- Style of building
- Company Policy's
- Space planning and conceptual design
- Business Criteria
- Reduction in cost base
Property & Real Estate Objectives
- Image - size - style - concept
- Flexibility to accommodate current and future needs, change and growth
- Managing our property portfolio
- Reducing our Facility Management costs
- Prioritising your assets
Building & Security Matters
- Work station standards
- M & E and fresh air
- Facility Management
- Protection of people, assets, property and information
IT & Communications Management
- Agreeing communication requirements
- Scoping requirements
- Programme
- Budgets & lead time analysis
Human Resource Consideration
- Location Validation
- Relocation policy
- Risk assessment
- Staff communication
- Travel to work analysis
Finance & Programme
- Programme commencement and duration
- Forecasting and tracking
- Budget forecasting and reconciliation of spend
- Finance of move and major procurement
- Close down of project finances
Location & Access
- Infrastructure
- Road, rail, air links
- Local shops
- Housing
- Assistance with lease documentation